Thursday, November 4, 2010

There's an app for that!

I love iPhone. There is so much it can do. I can be anywhere and get any kind of information. I can check Facebook, play games, book a flight, pretty much anything. I am always checking for new apps, things that are not really worth anything, but can waste my time nonetheless. I've recently stumbled upon a new app that just makes life worth living.
It's called Talking Roby, and he just brightens my day. The purpose of the app is really unknown, I think it's mostly just to be a time-waster. But whenever I need a pick me up, I just open the app and he makes me smile. When you open the app, the first thing Roby does is wave at you and say hi in his little robot voice. It's so cute, I'm immediately happier. Then, there's a few things he does that I play with. If you rub his belly, he giggles a little, then swoons and puts his hands over his heart like he's in love. If you poke him anywhere, he spins around, and sometimes falls over. When you make the phone move, he'll sway with it, making a noise like he's about to fall over. And one of the best things of all, is he talks. You type in what you want him to say, and he'll say it. If you talk to him, he'll repeat what you say. It's cute.
Now, I'm not sure why a simple talking robot brings me such joy, but he does. When I need a smile, I just turn to Roby, and he takes care of me. I appreciate all he does for me.

And, as an FYI, I typed this whole entry from my iPhone. It took forever.


Maleen said...

Wow, that is a lot of description about Roby that you typed from your iphone. You must really like him.

Chelle! said...

Thank you for sharing Roby with me. I have him on my ipod too. He brings me great joy. AW....