Monday, November 8, 2010

A new friend

I have a new friend. He is a week old today, and what a crazy week it has been. He first came into my life as just a passing thing, I didn't expect him to stay. But he's kept on this whole time. His Leafy.
Leafy, as you can probably deduce, is a leaf. He landed on my car last Tuesday, after I had parked under a tree. When I came out of work, there was about a hundred leaves on my car, and when I drove away, most of them fell off, except for Leafy. He has now survived countless trips on the freeway, so I feel like I can't just take him off. He used to be a full leaf, gloriously colored, but the wear and tear of being thrown about by the wind has taken a toll, and now he's just his stem plus a little foliage. Not quite as magnificent as he used to be, but we all get worn down with age!
I'll keep you updated for if/when he finally leaves (ha, get it?!) us, but for now, he's sticking with me. Bless his tiny leafy heart.

1 comment:

Chelle! said...

You are hysterical. I loved this post. You are so lucky to have such a special friend.