Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Everyone is different

Today it seemed the conversation of how people eat their food kept coming up. There are those who like everything smashed together, and those who won't eat their food if its touching each other. I am the latter here, I don't like when my food touches each other. Then later in the day, I was made fun of for how I was eating my popcorn. It got me thinking about all the weird ways I eat things. For example...
When I'm at home, I eat my popcorn with chopsticks. I don't know why, but it seems much more delicious that way. Plus your hands don't get buttery or greasy! (my popcorn doesn't have butter, but maybe it used to when I started this) When I eat potato chips, I have to eat the smallest broken ones first, then the smallest whole ones, then bigger broken ones, then the bigger whole ones, and if there are any in the bag, I finish off with eating any folded ones. The folded ones are my wish chips. When I was younger, I was told that if you can eat a folded chip in one bite, that whatever your wish is will come true! Wow was I gullible.
If I have a handful of m&m's, I have to eat whichever m&m's don't match my outfit, in order of color until the final color I have matches my outfit the closest. Why? I don't know. And I think everyone does this, but if there's something on my plate I don't like, I'll hurry up and eat the whole of it, so that I can enjoy the rest of my food. I rarely drink soda, but if I do, I always chase it with water. A swig of root beer, swallow, a swig of water. Delicious.
I don't know if this counts, but one of the most delicious things I can think to eat is to get one slice of white bread (Wonder bread is best here) cover it in Miracle Whip (mayo doesn't work) and top that off with a slice of Kraft singles. Then don't ruin it by putting another slice of bread on it-you need to leave it just that way. This started like, 15 years ago, and I still enjoy it to this day.
There are I'm sure a billion of these quirks that I have, but this is all I'll share for now. And I'll have to share the weird things I do while eating another time- we should not make this post too long!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I'm pretty sure this makes me a professional

This last Saturday night, I went bowling with a group of friends. We decided beforehand that we would play 2 games. Come on, nobody ever plays one game-the first is a warm-up. That turned out to be especially true in my case. My first game was horrible! I can't believe how bad I did. I ended up with a score in the sixties. I only had one spare that whole game. I don't depend on strikes and spares for my games, but oh my heck, not getting any totally ruined my score. Normally, I laugh off these scores, because I know how bad I do in bowling, but I was in total last place, even behind the 12 year old we had with us. Holy cow. So we start the second game, and I have actually improved! I'm getting some good scores, I'm not throwing my ball into the gutter, it's actually ok!
I was a few frames in, and I got a strike! Victory! And then...another! A third-which I was informed was a turkey! I couldn't believe it! As I was stepping up to my next one, I noticed that the front bowling pin was a different color. The guy on the loudspeaker announced that my lane had a money shot-if I got a strike with the neon pin in front like that, I would win five bucks. Well, of course this would happen to me. So I tried not to think too much about it, went to the line, threw my ball, and....a strike! Oh my gosh! I erupted into a scream, did a little jig, and then collected my money.
I ended up with a score of 165-which for me is freaking amazing. I think that now that I've been paid for bowling, this makes me a professional. I'm thinking of having some business cards written up, so that I can let people know how awesome I am. Naturally, on the next frame after my 4th strike, I bowled and knocked down 4 pins. It's ok that that happened-it brought my back down to earth. Some dreams are better to be short than have never happened.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Ok, this is almost a week late in getting on here, but I have been busy! Things always take longer than I think they will, hence, this is only just getting on here. As we all know, I love to run. I do disparage it from time to time, but if I don't run, I just don't feel right. So as of Sunday, the 30th of May, 2010, I have run every single day for one year. I don't know how I did this, I'm not even sure of the why, alls I know is I did it. It is a victory all my own. On Sunday, when I was leaving for my run, I imagined an easy-ish run, full of fun. I actually got one that was quite different.
I have this new run that I like it take, but I have to drive to get there. If I don't drive, it's like, two miles away, so as soon as I would run there, I would run for like, a mile or two more, then just run home, and that seems like a waste. So I drive down there on Sunday, put my car keys into my special thing that I leave in my car, get out, lock the door, and shut it. As soon as I shut it, I realized what I did, and I wanted to smack myself in the face. I know, I know, I couldn't believe it either, but holy crap. So instead of my run being my river run, nice and cool and relatively flat, my run actually consisted of me running back to my house (up this giant hill), getting a spare key, and running back down to get into my car. When I finally got back to my car, I was like, man I'm done. So I got into my car then, and left. I congratulated myself on my 365th run, and went on with my day.
Later that afternoon, I was driving to church, when I looked over at my passenger door and realized...IT HAD BEEN UNLOCKED ALL FREAKING DAY! I had wasted my run for nothing! I didn't even try any of my other doors when I got locked out, because I just had assumed that they all were locked too! Man, was my face red. I just couldn't believe it.
But...all's well that ends well. I got my run, I finished the year, and here I go, running just as I did. Right now, I'm just running to see how much longer I can make it without missing a run. If I make it two years-awesome! If I don't...well, at least I made it one. And that's all I can ask for.