Thursday, June 3, 2010


Ok, this is almost a week late in getting on here, but I have been busy! Things always take longer than I think they will, hence, this is only just getting on here. As we all know, I love to run. I do disparage it from time to time, but if I don't run, I just don't feel right. So as of Sunday, the 30th of May, 2010, I have run every single day for one year. I don't know how I did this, I'm not even sure of the why, alls I know is I did it. It is a victory all my own. On Sunday, when I was leaving for my run, I imagined an easy-ish run, full of fun. I actually got one that was quite different.
I have this new run that I like it take, but I have to drive to get there. If I don't drive, it's like, two miles away, so as soon as I would run there, I would run for like, a mile or two more, then just run home, and that seems like a waste. So I drive down there on Sunday, put my car keys into my special thing that I leave in my car, get out, lock the door, and shut it. As soon as I shut it, I realized what I did, and I wanted to smack myself in the face. I know, I know, I couldn't believe it either, but holy crap. So instead of my run being my river run, nice and cool and relatively flat, my run actually consisted of me running back to my house (up this giant hill), getting a spare key, and running back down to get into my car. When I finally got back to my car, I was like, man I'm done. So I got into my car then, and left. I congratulated myself on my 365th run, and went on with my day.
Later that afternoon, I was driving to church, when I looked over at my passenger door and realized...IT HAD BEEN UNLOCKED ALL FREAKING DAY! I had wasted my run for nothing! I didn't even try any of my other doors when I got locked out, because I just had assumed that they all were locked too! Man, was my face red. I just couldn't believe it.
But...all's well that ends well. I got my run, I finished the year, and here I go, running just as I did. Right now, I'm just running to see how much longer I can make it without missing a run. If I make it two years-awesome! If I don't...well, at least I made it one. And that's all I can ask for.

1 comment:

Maleen said...

WHAT!?! Every day for a year? There isn't anything that I could do that consistently, except maybe sleep and eat, and the sleep thing is iffy.

Wow, that is quite an accomplishment. Although I have heard that you do better if you actually take a break sometimes. I think it was in Runner's World. Still, you should be super impressed.