Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Best Idea Ever

I was at the local Radio Shack the other day, and I thought to myself, "Self, they have remote control cars here!" So of course, I peruse the section (which was only like, 4 cars) and what do I see but a cutie little truck that could very easily serve my purposes. I bring it to the cash register with my other purchases, but I didn't see a price tag on it. I asked how much it was and lo and behold, it was only 5 bucks! Holy cow what a deal, so I snatched it up on the spot.
I got it home and put the batteries in it, got it all ready. I turned it on, thinking it could be a great toy for my dog Sargent to play with. He likes to play with everything, so I thought they'd have a good time. Turns out, Sarge is actually just afraid of the truck, so he runs from it like a little girl. That's actually a way better game! I spent the rest of the afternoon playing 'chase Sarge' with it. That's a great game, and it's definitely one I play all the time. I don't know what the dog thinks will happen if the truck catches up to him, but I for one, can't wait to find out.

1 comment:

Maleen said...

Can I borrow that to try out on Moxy. That would make my day to see her run in terror. Of course, she would probably just pee on my carpet as usual.