Monday, November 22, 2010

Miscellaneous Monday

Today I have a bunch of random thoughts that I’d like to share. They’re not enough for an entire blog, so I’m combining them into one!

I recently bought a new soap for my bathroom – Nutmeg Cream. It makes think of Christmas every time I use it. Plus, my hands smell delish even for a while after having washed! I would recommend this to anyone.

Today on my way to work, the roads were a little slick, thanks to that wonderful snowstorm we had over the weekend. I didn’t really alter my driving though, I kept going like I usually do. There was a time when I started to slide and skid all over, and as I was heading over to the sidewalk, I thought to myself, “I really don’t want to die while listening to a Ke$ha song. That’d really make my death even sadder”. Luckily, I survived, and changed the song.

I was eating a delicious slice of cherry pie, (thanks Chelle for the free slice!) and it was sugar-free, which I imagine to be healthier. As I was eating it, I noticed that without sugar, cherry pie is really tart, and then tart made me think of a slutty person, which just confirmed my suspicions that cherry really is the sluttiest of the pies.

The other day, a friend brought her baby into work, to show him off. He was fussy, and the ladies around me were all talking about how you should bounce a baby when it’s fussy, to quiet it. Asking why, one of them explained that it’s like when it’s in the womb, you bounce when you walk, and it’s used to it. I guess the look on my face expressed disbelief, because the same gal picked me up in her arms, slung me around her, and then walked so I could see what it was like. What a weird thing that was to happen –especially at work.

That’s pretty much the extent of what I have going on. I’m sure there are more miscellaneous thoughts going on in my head, but I should save those jewels for another time! Happy Monday (Imagine I just threw some confetti or leaves up in the air when I said that, it’s much more fun!)


Chelle! said...

I love Miscellaneous Monday. You should have this be your title of your Monday blogs...I love to know what people are thinking...this is great!!

Maleen said...

Cherry, the sluttiest pie. That cracked me up.