Thursday, November 15, 2012

Open Wide

Today I had yet another mouth surgery. Today’s was 2 implants, and 2 healing caps on the previous implants. Even after googling it, I’m not entirely sure what a healing cap is, so I’ll just leave it at that. I got the doctor, was immediately brought back for all the hook ups. The heart monitor, pulse monitor, blood pressure machine, oxygen mask, an IV that was first antibiotics and secondly the sleeping stuff, and then I was good to go.
I feel asleep shortly after putting the stuff in, and mostly slept through it. I woke up at the end, and I was so angry about it. I’m sure they wanted me to wake up then, but to me, I feel like I shouldn’t have to wake up until everything is done, they’re out of my mouth, but oh well. After they gave me my “black box” (a small black plastic box that contains gauze, the prescriptions they want me to fill, and some papers of general questions I could have) they sent me on my way. The doctor did tell me that they implants are put in pretty close to my nerve, so I may have some numbness a little longer than usual, but if it lasts until tomorrow night, I should give them a call. He was not kidding – I’ve been out of surgery for about 6 hours now, and I still have numbness and tingling. The plus side is, I’m not actually in that much pain, probably because it’s numb. I’ve only taken 1 Loratab, and that was like, 5 hours ago.
I came home, and I thought I was pretty awake enough to watch TV. So, I’ve watched about half of a few shows, but I feel like I caught enough of them that I don’t want to rewatch them. I slept a lot more than I thought I would. Mostly, I’m trying to get a little caught up on my DVR. I am weeks behind on it, I’d like to not be, but that’s a struggle as old as the DVR itself. I’m hoping the numbness in my face goes away by tomorrow, I’d really not like for this to end up being a problem. I have my fingers crossed here. I just have to still rest for the rest of tonight and tomorrow, and of course, this time will be spent doing crafts!

Today, I am thankful for modern medicine, that makes it possible for my teeth to be fixed.


Chelle! said...

I am glad that you are healing. I hope that you continue to heal and catch up on those movies and shows on the dvr. It makes me giggle when I ask you if you have watched a show that I am wanting to talk about and you haven't watched it. ;)

Maleen said...

Wow. Serious surgery. Of course, that was quite a while ago now. I hope everything is in working order.