Thursday, November 29, 2012

I Could Be an Engineer!

Last night, at Scouts, we finished working on the Engineer badge for the boys. The good thing about scouts is that whatever the boys do, usually I end up doing. So last night, they had to draw a floor plan of their house, draw three types of bridges, and then build a model of a bridge. I happily did all three, even though I can’t draw to save my life. We started with the floor plans:

Faaaancy. And then, we moved onto the drawings of the bridges, after we researched different types of bridges online.


Those are freaking awful, I’ve got to admit. But I gave it my best, so no one should find fault with them. And lastly, we finished up with a  little bridge-making. I had no idea what I was doing, mostly, and didn’t really as I was going, but when I finished, I thought, I could drive across a bridge like this.


Haha, see? And it was one of the sturdier bridges we had, because I reinforced it as much as I could. I enjoyed drawing and building these things, it serves as a gentle reminder that I was not built to be an engineer.

Today, I am thankful for my healthy body. It may have it’s aches and pains, but it leaves me able to run, and walk, and do a whole heck of a lot.

1 comment:

Chelle! said...

Awesome!!! I love how you get so involved with your little scouts. I know that you secretly love this calling. :)