Sunday, November 25, 2012

First World Problems

I don't know how many of you know the phrase "First World Problems" but they always make me laugh. To explain, a first world problem is a problem that to you, is a legit problem, and you are bugged by it, but then you take a step back and realize that in another country, this is not a problem, it's a privilege. My problem, this morning: I have one of those automatic soap dispensers in my bathroom, one for each sink. Here's what it looks like:
Its nice, I like it. I got them in a deal, for the two of them, so its been nice, when I need to wash my hands, I just have to wave my hand underneath, and it gives me soap. Recently, one of them broke, so I had to get a plain ol' soap for that sink, just the kind where you push down and it gives you the soap. This morning, as I was washing my hands, I was at the sink without the automatic one, and I complained about it, to myself, and then I laughed out loud at the ridiculousness of my situation. Really, Vieve? I have the luxury of having soap, of having running water (warm, even!) in my house, and I'm bemoaning the fact that my soap doesn't fall onto my hands? Shame on me! There is a meme on the internet, the "First World Problems" meme, and they all make me laugh, because I think I've complained about most of all of them at one point in my life or another. I'll leave you with a few of these today, in hopes it makes you laugh:

Today, I am thankful that I have soap to wash my hands with. :)

1 comment:

Maleen said...

Ha. Those are funny, at least from a First World perspective. I hate forgetting my drink in the kitchen. But I hear you...we are pretty blessed here.