Saturday, December 11, 2010

My Pop is my hero

Today was my Grandfather’s funeral. He was a great man. He was my father’s father, and had lived a full long life. We gave him a “red” funeral – we all wore red to respect him.

Anyway, the point of this story is my dad. Whenever he gives a talk or anything, speaks in public, I always see if I can get him to work in a phrase. In various church talks, he’s worked in the phrases “water is worth it’s weight in gold” and other awesome things. When I found out he was speaking at Grandpa’s funeral, I wanted him to work in a phrase yet again. I thought for the few days previous, to see what I could think of, but alas, I had nothing. It wasn’t until that morning that I thought of it.

Boyfriend, Rory and I were driving up to the funeral. We had a book in the backseat that we were going to read, but as of yet, we hadn’t started. We were maybe a half hour away from the funeral, and I just opened the book up to a random page and found the phrase “jam is knowledge” – I knew immediately that I wanted that phrase worked in. I texted it over to him, but he said on such short notice that he didn’t know if he could work it in. I understood.

He started his talk, and I listened intently (of course, either way I would have) and as he was going, he got to a part where I was like “dude, this is where it works in”. He said something, and then the next line was my magic phrase. It was glorious, I was so psyched to have had that happen.

I know a funeral maybe isn’t the best possible place to have done this, but it was something my Grandpa would have loved – he loved jokes and humor and the like. It was a great funeral, from the colors of everyone to the military salute at the cemetery. A great send off for a great man.


Chelle! said...

This is awesome. I am sure that your grandpa would have loved it.

Maleen said...

Maybe I should try that out on Tyler next time he gives a talk. And impressive that he worked it in at the last minute.