Sunday, December 12, 2010

I have a great idea

All right, I did it again. I went running and left my watch at home. I know, I can't believe I'm this dumb either, but these things happen. I didn't even realize it until I got all the way to my running park, and by then I certainly wasn't going to go all the way home and get it. So I looked at the clock in my car, hoping that I would sorta remember it, and hoped I could at least get a feel for how long my run would be.

As I was running, I had a brilliant idea. Now, stay with me on this, I know it's unorthodox. (Cue infomerical music and images) Have you ever been stuck somewhere where you don't have the time? By some miracle of craziness, you don't have a watch, or a cell phone, you're nowhere near a bank for their clock? What'll you do?! Well kids, luckily you have me and my great ideas, because I've thought of a doozy. Wouldn't it be great if we had the time displayed above us, in the clouds or something? Wouldn't that be awesome! I know it's not feasible, and I haven't even worked out all the kinks, so I don't know how this would even work, but I think it'd be so great. I'd never have to remember a watch! Alls I'd have to do is just look up, and see the time displayed there for all to see.

There are definitely downsides to this. You can never say you didn't know what time it was when you were late, because it's always there for everyone to look at. I still can't quite figure out how to get it going, but I guess that's what I'll hire the smart people to figure out, I'll just take credit for it. I know the easiest solution to my problem is just to remember a freaking watch, maybe put it by my keys or running shoes or something so that I'll always have it, but come on, that's clearly not an option that'll work for me. So in the interest of helping everone out, you heard it here first: The SkyClock. Ah, that just rolls of the tongue. Lets see what we can do to make this happen.


Chelle! said...

Ah...a skyclock...that would be awesome!!!

Maleen said...

That is seriously brilliant. I absolutely love your ideas. And I have really been enjoying your daily posts, even if I don't have any time to read blogs right now.