Friday, November 7, 2008

A little disappointing...

So, this Friday evening, PJ and I went to a concert. It was up in beautiful, scenic Ogden, so we had left work a little early to get up there, check into the hotel, and eat before hitting the concert. We were going to see Spill Canvas (who I don't really know) Augustana, and OneRepublic. I like all these guys, but the one I was most looking forward to was Augustana. I heart them. So we are going to the concert, and it's at the Dee Events Center at Weber State. It took us a bloody half an hour to get there, after being lost on Weber campus for that amount of time. That campus is impossible to navigate! Finally we found a map, so I dashed out of the car to the map, figured out where we were, and we tried to find it. Turns out, I actually can't read a map, so I led us in the wrong direction. But, we found it, and we only missed the opening band, who I didn't know. I want to say their name was like, Hush Sound or something, I'm really not sure.
When we got to the Center, there was a sign outside on the door that said that Augustana would not be playing, because the lead singer was in an accident. I was crushed! The entire reason for my going-and they weren't even there! I was a little sad, but we went in to have a good time anyway, and we totally did. We actually sat into seats this time, not on the floor, so it was kinda low-key. It's weird to sit during a concert-I'm used to being up and about, dancing and singing my lungs out. I didn't even get coarse during this-just my ears were ringing. During the concert, the OneRepublic lead singer informed us that the accident that the Augustana singer had was that he had fallen off the stage-10 days earlier. I couldn't believe it! I'm hoping to someday see them, but until then, at least I have to CD to keep me company.


Chelle! said...

Oh, I am so sorry!! I am sorry that your day kept getting worse as it progressed!! At least, you got to leave work early.

Maleen said...

That is totally random that someone fell off the stage and then still couldn't perform 10 days later. Must have been quite the accident. They should give out free tickets to the next concert for everyone that missed this one.