Monday, November 17, 2008

Maybe I'm too smart... so smart it's off-putting.

Ok, know in advance that this blog is a rant. And I'm not trying to brag (very much...) in here, I just need to get something off my chest.
When I was younger, I was a pretty smart kid. I didn't outgrow it or anything-don't make those jokes, silly peeps. I started reading at a young age, and, although I know this doesn't indicate smartness, I read incredibly fast. I was in all the higher math classes in school-I was the only sophomore in my class full of seniors. I'd probably consider myself pretty intelligent, if I had to admit it.
I understand that people don't think I'm very bright. Maybe because I laugh at dumb things, or just laugh/giggle a lot in general, have a super-sunny disposition, or because I do the 'That's What She Said' jokes-which I find hilarious. I'm constantly finding myself having things explained to me-things which I already understand. Mostly at work-people who have been there longer than I seem to want to explain simple things to me. I get it all-I understand how to do it. But there they are-and of course, they're always pretty condescending about it. I'm not alone in this particular instance-others have actually noticed it as well. I don't like to be talked down to, I don't like having things "dumbed down" for me-I already get what you're trying to explain to me.
So dear friends who read this (all four of you) please understand this and spread the word. I not dumb-contrary to the vibe I might give off. Regardless, always know that when you're talking, I'm more than listening. I'm probably thinking of more than you realize.


Chelle! said...

Remember not to ask for my help...

PJ said...

I'm pretty smart.

Maleen said...

I used to be that smart girl...then I had kids. Nuf sed.