Friday, November 28, 2008 my soul.

Today, the day following Thanksgiving, is, as everyone knows, Black Friday, one of the busiest shopping days of the year. I was part of it yet again this year. I have a blast during it. People are all crazy, running around with their massive amounts of stuff, and their shopping baskets, and we're just casually walking around, finding stuff we like, etc. I was up so early this morning (because my brother woke me up at bleeding 3:30 IN THE I was up for it. I was in the line for Target at like, 5:20, raring to go.
We got all of our shopping done by like, ten. We hit up a billion different stores, took advantage of tons of deals, and then were done before noon! It was so much fun-I love this day. I got tons of stuff for people, so my Christmas shopping is almost done (yea!) but I also got loads for myself also. (I couldn't pass up these deals!) I am about dead on my feet right now, though. So excuse the lack of information about the race-that'll be coming later, when I haven't been awake for a long time.

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