Sunday, November 9, 2008

Lazy Sunday

Sunday is my favorite day of the week. It's my designated "Vieve" day. Don't get me wrong-I love my weekends, even when they're busy, and we're running all over the place, trying to get to a billion different places. I love the weekends when we have no plans, and we're just hanging out, doing a movie night. Sometimes, I can even appreciate the week-going to work, watching my TV, and being busy there. But nothing can compare to Sunday. It's when I listen to no one and answer to no one. I don't have to get dressed if I don't want to, I don't even have to get out of bed! Ok, usually, I do have church and that takes up time, and makes me shower and get dressed, etc, but on the days we don't go, it is pure bliss.
Today, this Sunday was really awesome for me. There's no real reason for it-nothing really special happened, but it was great just the same. I got all the things I wanted to do done-and I wasn't rushing or anything all day. I got my car cleaned (on the inside, I'm not dumb enough to be washing it right now), I gave myself a pedicure (mostly because there was nobody here I could con into giving me one...shoot), I cleaned my bathroom, and I got all my junk unpacked from my overnight stay in Ogden. I can't believe the amount of junk I pack for one night. I suppose it makes sense, because you have to have all of your toiletries, but it always just enters into my brain that I'd never be one of those girls who can just shove a couple of clothes into a bag, and leave for a trip at a moments notice. Oh well, I can live with that. I cleared out more of my Tivo, had a great run, and even got to read a little. And on the plus side-New York defeated Houston, so now we play New York next Saturday at Rio Tinto Stadium! You better believe I'm getting my tickets right now.
I know that if I had this type of day always, I'd get so sick of it, but it's nice to have once in a while. And now I'm totally relaxed, and ready for the week to start. With Sundays like these...who needs to have Mondays?

1 comment:

Chelle! said...

I love those days when you get to do what you want to do!!! I can not remember the last day that I just got to do that!!! Enjoy your Sunday!!