Tuesday, November 25, 2008

They just don't make sense!

Lately, I seem to hear a lot of phrases that are used a lot, but I swear I don't get them. They're all cliched sayings, and I'm going to get it off my chest-I use them, but I hate them.

"You made your bed, now you have to lie in it". What the heck does that even mean? Just because you made your bed, doesn't mean you have to lie in it. Someone else can lie in it, you can lay somewhere else.

"You gotta be sh**ing me" What? I had a client say this on the phone to me a little bit ago. I just stammered, "Uh, no. I'm not"

"The Acorn doesn't fall far from the tree" What kind of acorn falls off a tree and shoots across the forest? Of course it doesn't fall far!

"If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" If that actually happened, people would never talk. I'm just saying.

Pretty much those are the only ones that are bugging me right now. I hate cliches-I try hard not to use them, but sometimes they slip out!


Chelle! said...

This blog made me laugh. What was the one that Seth G used to say--something about a crow flying northwest...oh, I don't remember--but did it mean anyway?

PJ said...

I totally use cliches, but I hate when you read them in books. That's when you know you're reading trash. The writer couldn't even come up with an original phrase.