Thursday, November 20, 2008

It's a jungle out there!

It's that time of year-when the TV cancel list is coming out. I hate shows getting canceled. Some of my favorite shows are ones that have been taken off the air long before it was their time. Firefly, Wonderfalls, Dead Like Me, Arrested Development. All fabulous shows, all canceled way too early. Come to think of it, some of these shows were created by the same people...that should tell us something. Some people just can't seem to catch a break.
There have been a few shows canceled this year already. The Ex List was one that I was watching, but it wasn't that good, and same with My Own Worst Enemy, so when they were canceled, I was like, meh. Makes no difference to me. But now, things are being canceled that I actually care about! I found out that one of my favorite shows, Pushing Daisies, was canceled today. I love that show. I don't know if you guys have seen it (probably not, since it's getting canceled...) but it's so good. It's so quirky and funny. That's probably why its gone-because it was original, and quirky. Another show was cancelled today, Eli Stone. Another good, original show, and canceled. I guess I should be grateful for the writers strike, because it extended these shows for another season, where they probably would have been cancelled at the end of last year, but still! These were great shows, and I'll totally miss them when they're gone. I also lost one called Valentine-we only actually got 4 episodes of that one.
Of course, the upside of this is that I will now have extra time on the nights that these shows were on. I can find other things to fill it, I know, but I'll totally miss these. Getting attached to shows is never a good things, but I can't help it. Hopefully, I won't lose any more that I love, and if I do, I'll take solace in the fact that I can buy the DVD's-and watch over and over.


Maleen said...

I kinda wanted to see Pushing Daisies. I guess I will have to come over to your place...we really should have a movie night. Make that a girls night; Tyler can stay home with the kids.

PJ said...

Why do the good ones die young?

Chelle! said...

For me, if they ever canceled CSI: Miami, NCIS or Grey's...I think I might go into TV denial. I can't figure out how you keep all of your TV shows straight--I get confused with the 3 that I watch. HEE HEE