Saturday, November 1, 2008

It's so not time yet!

I'm not a fan of holidays, in general. Its fun to get ready for them, and anticipate them, but that's about it. Christmas is my favorite time-I love the shopping and decorating and baking and everything, but then when the day actually arrives, I'm not really into it. They're never that fun, and you don't get to do what you want to do. Halloween is the same-I like to think of costumes, and how other people will be dressed, but then the day gets here, and its never anything big. It's just me, wrapped in a blanket, sitting outside eating popcorn.
Which is what happened last night. PJ's fam has a popcorn machine, so they handed out popcorn to people. We were all outside, chatting and whatnot, when everyone left Peej and me out there. We took on the duties of handing out stuff. I was cold, so I was wrapped up in the aforementioned blanket, eating a nutritious dinner of popcorn. We did get some carrots later, because we felt like we needed to eat something healthy. At the end of the night, we watched the top 100 scary movie moments! They were pretty scary....not really.
When I was on my way home, maybe 10 minutes after midnight, I was flipping through the radio stations, trying to find a good song, when I happened upon Kozy (106.5). They were playing Christmas music already! I couldn't believe it-it's too early! I'm not ready for there to be Christmas stuff yet. I know there's no such thing as Thanksgiving music, but I don't think we should have the holiday music until it's almost Thanksgiving. I'm just saying-there should be no festivities until it's time for the actual holiday. Lets hold off on the Christmas music-at least for 3 weeks or so.


Chelle! said...

That reminds me...when we went shopping for supplies the other day and Walmart already has a huge Christmas Tree in their entrance--what happened with Thanksgiving? It seems as if it gets pushed to the side. Oh, how sad!!

Maleen said...

Seriously, I was going to write what Michelle wrote, so um...what she said.

PJ said...

There are tons of Thanksgiving songs. What about that 28-minute Alanis Morissette one? Thank you India/Thank you Providence... I think that anything that's "Thank you" is a Thanksgiving song. Plus, my favorite Thanksgiving song, It's Turkey Lurkey Time.