Saturday, November 29, 2008

The results are in...

I didn't do quite as well in the race as I'd hoped I would. I had high hopes for it, of course, but then when it came down to execution, my body had other ideas for me. It started at 8-and we were supposed to check in at about 7 or so. We got there at the crack of dawn (it seemed!) and then just had to wait around for the hour. Luckily, we could do all the waiting inside, since it was raining. Thank goodness the rain wasn't falling too hard though. We gathered at the starting line, heard the gunshot, and took off. After about a half a mile, my shoelace came untied! I couldn't believe, I had to quickly stop and tie it. Of course, wearing gloves made this a difficult task, but I got it, finally, and resumed pace.
The four miles went pretty quickly, and I did ok until about the last mile and a half, when I felt pretty sure I was going to throw up. I just had to breathe through that, and slow down a bit, hope I wouldn't get sick. PJ was a champ though-she slowed down with me and talked me through it. When we rounded the corner to the last little bit before the finish line, PJ took off, and I stayed my pace. At this point, I was just hoping to finish the race-I didn't care about placing. So PJ beat me, fair and square, and I'm just happy I ran the whole thing. Our times were pretty good-I know we can improve, though. We'll get better. And because I had ran that whole thing, I felt pretty good about eating my giant Thanksgiving dinner, complete with two pieces of pie. Hey, I earned it!

1 comment:

Chelle! said...

YEAH!! I am glad that you finished and did not give up!