Wednesday, November 5, 2008

You're right, I do look awesome.

I was told today that this month is National Blog Every Day month. This is another one of those fake holidays you read about, like National Welding month, Find a Rainbow day, or Valentines Day. I always laugh at these days, and never do anything about it. But, I decided, I might try this one! I could try to blog every day, and reach to the inner soul of myself to pull out a subject every day. Now, already, I know this probably isn’t completely possible. There are just some days that I don’t have time to blog, especially on the weekends, when there’s barely time to sleep, let alone jot down my thoughts onto a computer. But, I’m going to try my best, and now, without further ado, is day one of my efforts.
I understand that it’s hard to take compliments. I am not very good at taking them, nor am I actually good at giving them. I always think of something I want to say to a person, but then I usually chicken out of actually saying to them. I don’t know why it makes me so nervous to, say, tell someone their hair looks cute, but it does! And I debate it for the longest time: Do I say something? Keep it quiet? Usually by the time I’ve about decided, they walk away, making the decision for me. I am trying to be better at it though-I’m trying hard to tell people, because I think it just has to perk up someone’s day, to hear something nice about themselves!
Now, the taking of the compliments. It always embarrasses me-when someone tells me something nice about me, I just shrug it off, or shake my head, and try to argue with that person. Why do we do that? Someone tells you you look nice, and you try to argue with them. “You look good today, Sue” “Oh Sandy, I do not. My hair didn’t do what I wanted, and these clothes are just not fitting me like they used to” Like, what do we have to gain by being right? “Oh, you’re right, Sue. You don’t look good at all. I’m surprised I could have made such a mistake.” Is that going to make you feel better? It drives me crazy in the times when I actually have the guts to say something and someone argues with me! Seriously, people-the next time someone gives you a compliment, turn to them, flash those pearly whites, and say…Thank you. That’s it. That’s all you gotta do! It might make you feel better, and for someone to actually pay you a compliment is a pretty good thing as well, so take it and move on. And maybe later, see if you can make someone else’s day by giving them one as well.


Chelle! said...

I love this post!!! Good luck on the posting each day. I think that I am going to try it!!!

Maleen said...

Well you all know that I practically post every day already. Maybe my goal will be every other day this month :)
I loved this post by the way. I like it when someone looks pleased when I give them a compliment. After all, I wouldn't say it unless I mean it.

PJ said...

Here's my issue with the compliments: When you say to Betty, "Hey Betty, you look cute today." You know what you are really saying? "Hey Betty, every other day of the year you look like trash, but today you look like you put some effort in. Congrats." I can never figure out how to properly word my compliments.