Monday, November 24, 2008

Blondes are wild, brunettes are true, but you just never know what a redhead will do!

Ok, so the great hair debate is over! The color has been chosen and applied. Pretty much everyone has seen me with it, but I just figured I'd write the results here, since I talked about the debate here as well. The winning color! I realize now that I should have taken a picture to include here, but I didn't, and my hair is now in a ponytail, so there's not really a chance of a good picture here. You'll all see it anyway.
It was an impulse to do it this color, but so far, I'm pretty pleased with the results. It is very bright, and when I look in the mirror, I still do a little double take, because I'm not quite used to it. I will have to get used to having red/pink wash out every time I wash my hair-but I'll hope my color doesn't fade that much. I've only had one person outright say he thought the old color was better (that would be the Stallion....) but other than that, the reactions have been mostly positive.
I know I'm not keeping it this color for forever, but for now, it's fun! And at least now it's dyed, so my roots aren't crazy coming in. And I'm starting to think of what color I'll do next time...


Maleen said...

You have to love that he is honest. He did tell me that he thought about it later and felt kinda bad. He thinks that even if women ask if something looks good, they don't want to hear bad feedback. But you always know you have his real opinion.

Chelle! said...

As for Tyler...ignore him. Has he ever colored his hair--probably not. I, absolutely, love your hair color!!! I think it helps bring out your sassy personality--you know we are going to need it this week.