Sunday, November 1, 2009

Same time...every year...

So last year, I was told that November was National Blog Every Day month. So last year, when I found this out, I tried to do it, and I think I was semi-successful. It might have not been interesting every day, but I think I got one every day. I'm too lazy to check right now, so who actually knows. And since today marks the beginning of November yet again (it happens every year!) I will try again to blog every day. If it's boring, that's ok, and if nobody reads these, that's fine too, so long as I have the knowledge of knowing I gave it my best shot. So here goes day one:
So to start things off, we're not going to be too exciting. Today was Stake Conference for my ward, which means, for me, free get-out-of-church day. I didn't take advantage of that this year though, I decided to head to my brother's ward to check out what his was like. I went there with him, and his ward is...well, its not bad, its just different. You know how you get used to your own, then when you visit another ward, you keep comparing it? That's what I spent the whole time doing. His was noisier, the people were noisier. I'm referring in particular to the girl who sat next to me, who decided the whole time to be highlighting things in her book, with her click-able highlighting pen. Which she clicked every time she used it. I wanted to grab her pen and mark all over her face. But because we were in church, and I'm not a violent person...I didn't do this.
I will go back to my ward next week, back to the things I am used to, but it might have been good for me to do this. It made me appreciate my own ward, so that's gotta be a good thing. If anything, it makes me glad that's not my ward, and sad for him that it's his!


Maleen said...

That is hilarious. If you ever want to feel better about your ward, come visit ours. We have all these families with small children and it sounds like a zoo in there (I am NOT kidding). Sometimes you can't even hear the speaker. I feel so badly for guest speakers like random return missionaries who get assigned to our ward. Sometimes they have this shocked look like "Seriously, I can't even hear myself speak. Don't these parents have any control?" And the answer is control. I have resorted to bribing my children and our aisle is a bit quieter (except for Daisy who has no rationing abilities yet. Darn that child).

Good luck blogging every day.

Chelle! said...

I, probably, would have grabbed the highlighter from the girl. YIKES!!!