Friday, November 13, 2009

3 Good Reasons against Driving Angry

Leaving work today, I was mad. Too many annoyances at the end of the day, coupled with my computer being dumb. So I compiled a list of...

3 Reasons it's not a good idea to drive angry:

1. When I am mad, I turn the radio waaay up. This is always a fun idea when you're driving, but then when I stop, my ears are ringing, and things are just a little muffled. Smart idea...until you realize you're probably killing eardrum.

2. For some reason, I decide to share my anger. So instead of driving like a courteous, polite driver, I decide to make other drivers have it too! I keep cutting people off, like for some reason, this will ruin their night. I can guarantee after the initial "wth?!" they have, they don't think of my for a second. But still, it makes me feel a little better.

3. On the flip side, I take any infraction done to me way too personally. I'm sure the other driver just wants to get home, see their family, but to me, a tiny thing like, not turning on the turn-signal far enough in advance, I take it to the next level-I feel like they have a vendetta against me, and it makes me want to hit their car.

Now don't worry everyone, I wasn't in danger, I knew what was going on, and I was in control, so it's not like there was anything to get worried about. I am far less angry now (because I've been just chilling this evening, nothing to be mad about...) so the next time I drive, I will far more polite. And if I encountered anyone this evening while driving...I apologize.


Maleen said...

Makes me think of Ground Hog's Day when Phil tells the groudhog, "Don't drive angry."

You should take his advice.

Chelle! said...

I think that we both left in horrible moods tonight. OH MY GOODNESS!!! What a horrible day!!