Thursday, November 5, 2009

Turns out, I do embarrass!

Well, turns out I do embarrass. Tonight, I was at a dinner/banquet for work, and the entertainment for the evening was Comedy Sportz. I don't know if you know what that is, but it's an improv group. Much like that show "Whose line it is anyway?". Love that show. So after a lot of improv-ing, lot of laughing, they ask for a female volunteer. I didn't volunteer, of course, but the people around me did, and the referee came over, took my hand, and led me onto the stage. Turns out, the thing they were going to do was sing to me. So after some friendly banter (I tried to hold my own against this guy!) they stared singing a song to me, and holy goodness. It's such a weird thing to have a lot of people looking at you while people are singing to you about you. Man, I could feel my face was bright red, and I could not stop laughing.
It was really funny though, I have to admit, and it was good fun to get up there. Thank goodness, however, that thats only the kind of thing that happens once in a blue moon!


Maleen said...

I love Comedy Sports. Although I admit that I like watching more than participating.

How I wish I could have been there to hear that song.

Chelle! said...

You definitely made me laugh tonight!! I am glad that you were there for the guy to pick on!!