Sunday, November 15, 2009

Now I'm sore

I like myself some high impact exercise. Give me running, Tae Bo, P90x, all of these things are great, I feel really great after I've done these. I'm sweating when I'm done (well, as much as I can sweat) so I know I've worked hard. I don't like low-impact things. I've done pilates, and while I do like that, I always feel like I've barely done anything at the end of the hour. And yoga? Forget about it! All the breathing, and the "lets all work out our chakras" blah blah blah no. But sometimes, you do what you don't like...
In P90X, there is, of course, a load of exercises possible, and they tell you which ones to do on which days. There's the usual things, arms, legs, back, etc, but then they also throw in crazy plyometrics, or kenpo karate. It's actually a lot of fun, and it's always mixed up. Today was my day for yoga, and I won't lie, I usually skip the yoga days, because I figure it's not high impact, so my body won't notice if I don't do it. But today, I had some extra time, so I figured I might as well do it.
I get all in my comfy clothes, pop in the DVD, and go at it. It's an hour and a half long (sheesh!) so I buckled in. There were some things I didn't like about it-the soothing voice of the instructor made me angry, and I don't even know why. I don't like how relaxed they want you to be. They keep reminded me to relax, after like, four times, I'm like, I get it! I'm relaxed! I'm not yelling!
I did like it overall though. It's so hard! Holding those poses is crazy-I can't believe the flexibility of these people. About halfway through, I was covered in sweat, cursing Tony (the instructor) for making me do this, but I lasted the whole time! I was feeling good at the end, and immediately following it, I just felt sore, like every muscle I have was tired.
I don't know that I would like to do yoga all the time, but I think I'll like throwing it in every once in a while. And who knows, if I keep doing this, maybe I'll be one of those freaks who can twist into every position imaginable. Wouldn't that just be great?!


Maleen said...

See they tell you to relax so that halfway through you don't need to curse Tony.

Whatever, I would curse him too.

Chelle! said...

I always have wondered how people bend like they do on those yoga videos...OUCH!!