Friday, November 6, 2009

At this point, I should just get new feet

We all know I blister on my feets easily. Usually, it's not that painful, so I just keep going on with them, but the last week or so, I've gotten these two that are just horrible! They're right on the bottom/side of the foot where my big toe meets the actual foot. They started forming like, last week or so, and this week, they've gotten bigger and bigger and now one of them is actually infected. I don't know how that happened, but I'm dealing with it.
I think one of the things that exacerbated the problem is that the last few days at work this week, I had to actually wear real shoes, not the flip flops I usually wear. Walking on Thursday was the worst day ever, it was like every time I took a step, it was like someone was stabbing my foot. I should have cruised around these days in a wheelchair. I don't know where I would have gotten one, but that would have been awesome. Luckily, today it hurts way less than it did yesterday, so maybe I'm on the road to recovery!
I was going to post a picture of the aforementioned blister, but then I realized, no one wants to see that! So just imagine the grossness in your head. Hopefully this weekend, I'll take it easy and just let that heal. I know that as soon as it heals, another will form somewhere on my foot, so it's not like I'll ever get away from this!


Maleen said...

Do you think it the socks or the shoes that are causing the blisters? You should look into changing one or both of them. I really don't think it is normal to have that many blisters.

Chelle! said...

I think that you should have posted the picture!! Then the whole world could see what I have been seeing...OUCH!!!