Monday, November 2, 2009

To Draw My Own Conclusion...

I can't actually draw at all. Tonight at FHE, we played Pictionary, and holy cow, I realized how poorly I actually draw. I mean, I've never been creative. I can't draw, I can't make cute things, I've never been able to scrapbook, I just don't do anything like that. I've never really played Pictionary before, so I had no idea what was actually in store for me when they announced it. I went first (curses!) and I drew - wait for it - hair. The easiest word ever! It was my speciality, I drew a stick figure, some strands of hair, and drew some arrows. Man that was easy! We did some yelling, guessing, etc, and then it was my turn again. This time, I drew machine gun. Turns out, my way of drawing a gun is to draw a ninety degree angled line, then add a half circle (for the trigger, duh!) and then some tiny bullets coming out of it. Nobody guessed that right away (shock!) so my next plan was to draw a stick figure (I'm pretty sure that's the only thing I can successfully draw) with something in his hand shooting bullets, then a dead body a few feet away from him. And from this, someone actually got it! I felt pretty good about myself, and at the end of the night, my team won!
We didn't win much, just bragging rights (that's right, suckas!) and we got to get dessert first. But all that I care about is that someone actually recognized my drawings! I'd like to say I'll start playing this game more often, but oh, who am I kidding? I'll be lucky if I ever do again!


Chelle! said... are now admitting that you go to FHE? HEE HEE Anyway, pictionary frustrates me...drawing--not for me. Give me some paper, stamps, ribbon, I can play that game.

Maleen said...

I like Pictionary although I can't say I am the best artist. Let's say that I can make something recognizable, but I'm no Van Gogh.

Good idea to draw the dead body as well. Sometimes the details are what really matter.