Thursday, November 12, 2009

My, that's deceptive!

I love iTunes. I got my iPod (shuffle) for my birthday a year ago, and it's my favorite thing. It's tiny, perfect for running, and I use it all the time. I got a gift card to iTunes for my birthday this year, which was just fantastic. I used that like you wouldn't believe.
My only problem with iTunes is the 30 second snippets of songs. Lets say you're looking for songs, and you come across one that you haven't heard. You need to listen to it, obviously, so you listen to their snippet. But don't let that be your only guide. Many a time, I have listened to the clip, loved what I heard, and purchased the song, only to find out, when listening to the whole thing that the song actually sucks. And then I'm angry that I have this song that I'll probably never listen to, but I have it anyways.
I mean, it's not like its a big deal, because a song is only like a dollar, but still. Those iTunes people sure do know how to market me a song. And on the same note, I have listened to a little clip, thought the song was awful, just to hear more of it, and turns out the song is actually really good. They're just messing with my minds! Luckily, out of all the songs I've gotten, there are only a couple of songs that aren't good, so my odds so far are pretty good. And believe me, I will keep buying songs.


Maleen said...

I would get an iPod shuffle if I ran, but since I don't, I have no good excuse. Tyler just makes me listen the radio or Pandora.

Chelle! said...

hmmm...that is the reason why I wait for you to tell me what songs to get...hee hee!!