Monday, November 16, 2009


I have had my room arranged the same way for as long as I have lived in this house. The most I have mixed it up is I've moved the bed about three feet to the right this one time, but since then, I've kept it. It's just hard to do anything different-all of the wires to my TV are all in one corner, and to make it go anywhere else would be too much work. But yesterday finally, I'd had enough.
I knew that if I needed to change things around, I would need the help of my brother Zippy. Heck, I know I'm not strong enough to move anything around, plus I need him to fix all the wiring/rewire it all up anyway. So basically, I gave him the new floor plan, then stood back and let him do all the heavy lifting. I did some guiding as I stood there, grabbed some things once in a while. At the end of, oh, say, 15 minutes, it was all finished. We didn't do anything major, all we did was basically reverse the room. Some things stayed just where they were, the only things that changed were my bed, the dresser and the TV. But just having everything on the opposite wall has been messing with my brain this last day. I keep turning the wrong direction to put something away, and I keep throwing things on the floor instead of where my bed used to be.
I know that the longer I have it like this, the more used to it I'll get, but for right now, it's kind of freaking me out. I love the change though-but I'm holding on, for now, to see how long it takes me until I get tired of this arrangement too.


Maleen said...

I totally recommend mixing things up once in a while. I think it rejuvenates the soul; or perhaps the creative juices.

Chelle! said...

Zippy...I love the name!! So...will arrangement last as long as your desk arrangement?