Saturday, November 26, 2011

Winter…is chilly. This message brought to you by Captain Obvious

I have blogged (several times) on the heater in my car. Since 2009 (I didn’t even realize I had been this long!) It has spontaneously not worked. Sometimes, it works like a dream, and heat is flowing and everyone is warm, and sometimes, there is not heat flowing, and its quite chilly. (This also happens in summer, btw. It gets really warm in a car when there’s no air blowing cold on you) About 2 weeks ago, it stopped working completely. It went off one day, and never returned. After a week or so, after I mentioned it here, Chelle came to me with her can-do spirit and said we could look at it ourselves. I was impressed by her attitude and knowledge, and I was like, heck yes we can do this! So we googled some things, figured out where fuses were, etc., and went to my car to look at things. Since I was a little confused, we got someone at work to come and help me look at things.

car*photography credit to Chelle here*

So we thought we had found the thing we were looking for, and thought that we should go to AutoZone to get a little help from a person there, to see if he could test the relay we found, to make sure it was still working, because we had figured it out that it was the fan that was broken. So we get there, and the guy comes out to help us. I super sneakily took a picture of him looking at my car with my phone.


So after looking in a few places, he took out my glove box and looked in there. He touched some fan in there, and boom! The fan started blowing! (It also almost took off the guys hand, I felt bad) We celebrated a little, he explained what the problem was, and how to fix it if it stops again (this involves getting someone to fix something in there, its something with the motor I believe) and we went on our merry way. For the rest of the car trip back, we kept turning on the air at full speed, to make sure it worked. It worked on the way home too, so I was so psyched!

And then…on Black Friday, I got into my car during the shopping-palooza and…it stopped working! What the heck, heater, you were supposed to be fixed! So now, I’m playing it by ear. It didn’t work Friday, but then today, it worked. So I don’t know what the deal with it is. It’s possible I just need to give up the hope that it’ll be fixed magically, and get it actually fixed. But for a brief, shining moment…I had hope.

1 comment:

Chelle! said...

Aw...I thought that it was fixed (at least, I was hoping). Maybe a bird is stuck in your fan? HA HA