Sunday, November 27, 2011

Snapshot Sunday

I forgot to have a Foto Friday this week (well, not really forget, but I didn’t have a picture to accompany the entry) so I decided to have a sort of one today. As everyone knows, I run races. I try to get at least one race in a month, no matter the length. I have a board that I pin my race bibs to when I’m finished with them. I have it hung in the room where my treadmill is, sort of as inspiration. With the recent edition of the Turkey Trot this past week, my board is now full:


And there it is. 23 races. 6 10Ks. 3 Half-Marathons. 4 4-milers. 10 5Ks. There are a few more races that I’ve run, but for one reason or another, I’ve lost the bib, and I have no clue how that would have happened. I am proud of all of my numbers, and I like that so far, I’ve not repeated a number. So here’s to a previous 4 years of running, and many many years of more to come.


Chelle! said...

Awesome!!! Those are incredible accomplishments.

Maleen said...

Oh my gosh. I love that you keep your bibs. What a great idea and they look so cool all together. I would do that too, but it would take me fifty years to get that many at the rate I am going.