Thursday, November 10, 2011

Chai Spice Cupcakes

I found this delightful recipe on Twitter a week or so ago, and decided to make it. Husband is out of town right now, which leaves me with ample time to do what I’d like, one of them being baking. I could do it anytime, but I like to bake when I’m home by myself, and I can sing at the top of my lungs, and dance around the kitchen with no one to judge me. So I set my speakers on high, and got to baking.

This recipe called for tea – so I had to do something I’ve never done before, steep tea bags. For those that don’t know (and I didn’t, I had to Google it) steeping is when you put the tea bags into hot water (I used milk, for baking purposes of course) and then let them sit for a little, maybe even dipping the bag up and down. Doing that made my hands smell delicious, especially after I had to squeeze out the bags to retain all the milk.


Then you just make the cake like normal, and fill up the cups. I used a cream cheese frosting to round it all out, and it tasted pretty good.


After I had done all the baking, frosting, etc, I realized, I didn’t have any cinnamon! (Even though I SWEAR I had some, I couldn’t find it) So I set the cupcakes aside, and went to the store to get some cinnamon. The one I found had really big holes for the cinnamon to come out of, which made the ‘cakes look a little weird, but I still did those. And this, my friends, is the final product:


So there they are, Chai Spice Cupcakes. They are pretty good, but they’re a really dense cake, they almost taste like a muffin. The recipe made 24 cupcakes, plus about 10 mini cupcakes. I’m looking to give these cupcakes away – so I don’t have to eat them all myself. Because if I had the chance – I probably would.


Chelle! said...

These were amazingly delicious!! I am glad that you love to share!! :)

Maleen said...

That is my biggest problem with baking. I tend to eat all the end product.