Saturday, November 19, 2011

Scattered Saturday

So here we are, 19 days into the month, and here it is. My first time that I legitimately don't know what to blog about. I've thought about it all day. I've thought of a few subjects, even. But so far, they're all so short that they don't have more than a few sentences to say about them. It's almost like a Miscellaneous Monday, but I think I'll make this entry Scattered Saturday.

Today was Mama's birthday. So we took her to dinner to Golden Corral, her favorite place. The thing I like about those places is you can literally have the weirdest meals and no one judges you. I had mashed potatoes, mac&cheese, onion rings, a salad, and some fried chicken. Then an ice cream cone for dessert.

Husband and I were watching a scary show in our room, and just as we were at a particularly scary part, our bedroom door slammed shut and I almost peed my pants with scaredness. Turns out, the heater had just come on, and the introduction of air in there made the door shut. I was scared for about 20 minutes still.

I have been scrapbooking of late. It's nowhere near the quality of what good people do (mostly I compare myself to Chelle, as she is quite good) but I think it's going pretty well. I've been debating on showing them to people, but I don't want to be judged for how not good they might be. I'm so critical of my work on these sorts of things. I've gotten like 10 pages done in the last few days, and that excites me.

I couldn't believe it actually snowed last night. I thought it would be like the last snowstorm, and just sort of not happen, but boy howdy did this happen. Walking out of the theater into a really big snowstorm like that was pretty crazy. It made things so pretty this morning though.

I think that's pretty much all I've been thinking today. I hope you enjoyed these random (and dumb) thoughts. :)

1 comment:

Chelle! said...

Happy Birthday to Mama Binkerd. As for your scrapbook pages, they are simply adorable. Seriously! I wouldn't just say that.