Monday, November 21, 2011

Miscellaneous Monday

The heater in my car hasn’t worked for about a week now. I don’t know what’s going on with it. And I know, I could bring it in and have it looked at, but whatever needs fixing will probably cost money – and I really can’t afford to pay a lot of money right now for a heater. I should – because my car is so chilly in the morning/evening when I’m driving to and from work, but usually bundling up seems to do the trick. I’ve Googled my problem (since Google is like a magician) and so far, the answers are that either the fan is broken, there could be a fuse that blew, or my whole system is broken. (I’m banking on the first two – since they seem the cheapest) I’m really hoping that its just a broken fuse, that would be crazy cheap to fix. So maybe soon, within the next few weeks, I’ll get my car taken in. Hopefully before all the snow happens…

On my way to work today, I saw a stranger walking to work in the rain. I felt sad for him. Even though it wasn’t raining hard, it must be awful to have to walk places in the rain. Whenever I see anyone walking in the rain, I want to pull over and give them a ride. But then I realize that no matter how sad I am for them to be walking, I’d probably be sadder for myself if they killed me. And I realize that at 8 in the morning, my odds of getting killed by a person I pick up are pretty low, but still. I’d rather not have the chance. Plus, it’s not like they’re hitchhiking or anything, they’re just walking on their merry way, having accepted that they’ll walk in the rain. And good for them. I like the rain, don’t get me wrong, I just think I’d hate walking in it to work, getting there all wet and soggy and cold.

I have a real problem with cravings. It’s not like, I randomly crave things, necessarily, it’s that as soon as I see someone eating something, or I hear someone talking about something, or see a commercial, I’m very susceptible to wanting it. I’m an advertisers dream – their commercials work really well on me. So thins morning, for example, I’m watching something where someone is eating a sub sandwich, and I thought, boy would that be a great idea for lunch. A little later, I see someone eating some Nacho Cheese Doritos, and I think, that would be so good right now. It happens all the time, and for the most random things. I want cupcakes usually all the time, but I’m pretty good at only getting them once in a while, so that I don’t eat cupcakes all day every day. But usually, all day long I wonder, should today be a day I get a cupcake? Should I eat something else instead, to take the place of it? But usually, I abstain, and I eat a tiny candy bar instead. So far, thank goodness, those are the only 2 things I’m craving, a sub sandwich and Doritos. And luckily for me, they go pretty well together. And maybe I can make those things for dinner, and have my craving subsided. Provided, of course, that I don’t see something else I want more…

1 comment:

Chelle! said...

Oh my goodness...I didn't think of a fuse. Hey, the fuse when out in my windshield wipe fluid thingy ma jig. Let's check tomorrow at work. WE can check that.