Friday, November 1, 2013

Foto Friday

For Halloween, Husband and I decided to do a couples costume, and sort of match each other. We perused the local Halloween shop and decided on a costume after a while. Then last night, we both got into our costumes, and realized that we had no one to take a picture of us, so we just had to take pictures of each other, and then I put them into the same picture, so behold:


And we dressed Cookie up, because I thought it would be funny to torture her, so I picked for her a chef outfit.


She HATED it! Ha it was hysterical to watch her walk, because for some reason, in her brain, the costume hindered her ability to walk, so she would walk, kicking her back feet in the air, and keeping them in the air for prolonged periods of time, so she was just walking on her front paws for a while, I was dying laughing. Husband spent a while working on pumpkins, and they turned out looking really amazing.


But Halloween was fun, and we handed out loads of candy to the cute kids in the neighborhood. Hopefully everyone had a Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

Maleen said...

You two look fabulous. Next time, call me up. I'm not too far away. I'll come take a picture of you.