Thursday, November 14, 2013

I’m a Survivor…Bracelet

Today, for scouts, we had the boys make rescue bracelets. I don’t know if you’ve seen these, I’ve seen them at various sports stores, and they’re pretty cool. They look like this:


And the theory behind them is that if you’re hiking or something and you get into a pickle, you can unravel the bracelet, and it turns into a rope that you can use to get yourself out of your predicament. I didn’t know we were making these until I got to scouts! So I get there, and we all cut our ropes, 8 feet of every rope. These were tricky to make. After you cut the rope, you need to measure it to your wrist, and then tie a note at the place where you want the bracelet to be, size-wise. After you tie the knot, then you follow this weird guide for how to braid it. It’s not quite a braid, but it was really tricky to follow it, and remember which one you had just done, and keep going. We worked for the whole hour on the bracelets, and even went over about 10 minutes. But finally, the braiding was finished, and for the final step, we had to burn the ends that were still over. That was the boy’s favorite part, I think. After we let it cool down, I tried mine on again, didn’t fit. Shoot! After all that work and I can’t even wear it! But that’s ok. Here’s my final product:


I want to make another one, to have it actually fit, but it was so much work, I just don’t know if I want to start that again. But if anyone needs a survival bracelet, I think I can help you out.

1 comment:

Maleen said...

Ooh, actually, I've always wondered how to make one. If you ever feel the strange desire to do another, invite me over.