Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Installation of a Door

Last night, we had to install a door at my parent’s house. My little sister is coming to live with us for a while, and with her comes 2 cats and a dog. Since we have Cookie, I told her the dog was ok to live with us (so long as she’s house trained, and won’t make messes) but the cats were a no-go. No matter what. I don’t want cats in my house, I hate cats, and I hate the messes and smell of them. So to compromise, my parents very graciously will take the cats in their place for the next few months, but we needed to install a door leading to the basement, to keep them down there. We ran to the local Home Depot, bought a simple, plain door, and went over to the folks’. We brought the door down there, put it up to compare, and...it wasn’t the right size. It was 1/8 inch too small on the top, the perfect size in the middle, and 1/4 inch too small on the bottom. GRRR! So we went back to the Depot, had them shave a quarter inch off the whole thing (which was a fight in itself, we had to go to a few departments to get the help we needed) and tried again. This time, the door fit, and after chipping off the places for the hinges, we got the door hung, we put in a doorknob, and everything was peachy. The door shut, it opened, and everything was fine, so we left it. Thank goodness everything ended up okay...I’m definitely not having cats in my house.

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