Saturday, November 23, 2013

Sale, sale, sale!

A week or so ago at Stamp and Chat, Chelle was telling all of us about a sale that happens once a year, a scrapbooking sale that takes place at different venues and at different times each year. Last week, we had heard about when it was starting, Friday the 22nd. She invited me to go with her, and I readily agreed, as I love myself some sales, and I’m still working on building up my scrapbook supplies. They picked me up at 9:00 this morning, and off we went.
When we walked in, it was just rows and rows of everything! Paper and tape and books and stickers and embellishment, oh my! We started at one end, and slowly made our way around, picking up more and more things. I got loads of new papers, many much tape, a lot of stickers, and embellishments galore. It was pretty awesome. I spent just a hair over 50 dollars, but I got so much stuff, so many deals, that I just kept calculating how much I saved, and didn’t care about what I spent. I’m psyched to have all this stuff, and I’m glad that Chelle asked me along. And maybe we’ll go back…to see what else they’re setting out!

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