Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Rock the Vote

For Pack Meeting for scouts this month, we’re teaching the boys about voting and being a citizen. So for our activity, we decided to hold mock elections, and have the boys vote. 3 leaders were selected to be the nominees, but instead of selling ourselves, we were selling a food. We had to pick a food (I picked Twinkies) but we weren’t allowed to call it by the real name. So I chose ‘Creamy Dreamy’ for my food, and the other leaders chose apples and M&M’s. I wish I could remember what they’re names were, but it’s escaping me. I think the apples were something with deliciousness and the M&M’s were balls of goodness? It doesn’t matter. So on Monday night, I made my campaign poster, and I think it ended up pretty good.


So armed with my poster, and a cocky attitude (We had been trash talking each other all day, we three scout leaders) I went to scouts tonight. I asked to go last, because to be honest, I didn’t really plan a speech, I was just going to go off of what they said in their speeches. So they get up, and give their speeches, and they’re not bad, the first girl (M&M’s) gets up and talks about how hers are the best (also, we’re not allowed to say what our stuff contains) and they have chocolate and awesomeness, and then the next girl gets up (apples) and her pitch is that my creamy dreamy sounds like it could be toothpaste and balls of goodness could be bouncy balls, for all we know, and then she’s done, and I get up. At this point, keep in mind that I have no idea what to do, so I stand up, and get my poster, and stand in front of everyone, and after a long pause, I say in a loud voice

“You have heard a lot of lies tonight!”

And then, from there, I just attacked their campaigns. I had nothing to say about mine, because I didn’t know how to do it, so I just said that we have no idea what’s in the other people’s foods. Is it good? Is it healthy? We just don’t know! So after I finished up with my, oh, I’m going to say 45 seconds of speech, I just turn my poster around, so they can read it (I had the back to them the whole time) and I shout “Vote for Creamy Dreamy 2013!” and sit down. For some reason, the scouts dug my speech, (I think it’s because I’ve been known to give the kids candy when they come over) and they started a chant of “Creamy Dreamy, Creamy Dreamy” and I was laughing so hard. So we then all voted, and tallied the votes and ... CREAMY DREAM WON! I was so surprised; I really didn’t think that would happen. After a victory dance, we all helped clean up, and then we ate our victory Twinkies. And yes, I know most people think Twinkies are gross, but I love them, and I will eat them. I will fight for your vote to do so.

1 comment:

Maleen said...

That is a hilarious activity. And very insightful. I'll have to remember it in the future.