Monday, November 11, 2013

Miscellaneous Monday

So in August, I started a new running streak. I may have blogged about it, I can’t remember, and I’ll be honest, I’m a little too lazy to go searching for it. But, alas, my running streak has come to an end. After almost 2 months of running every single day, I had to quit. The cold/whatever I have took over completely, so I couldn’t run Sunday, then this morning, when I woke up, I just couldn’t make myself run, so I walked. Really slowly. For 11 minutes. On the treadmill. At 2 miles an hour. So, now, I have to start a new one. Hopefully I can start one soon, but if not, that’s ok.

For scouts, every 2 years, you have to take the Youth Protection Program, or as I like to call it, the Pedophile test. Basically, the test is to ensure that you’re not a pedophile, and you recognize pedo behavior, and that you know how to help the kids without molesting them. It is such a weird thing to do. For 25 minutes, you just hang out, watch weird creepy videos of possible scenarios, and then answer questions about what was wrong there, but I just hate watching the videos, they make me so uncomfortable about it. So, I passed the test, and now I’m good to not be a weirdo to kids for 2 more years.

I got Cookie back tonight, and it feels so good to be reunited. Ok, it’s not actually all that different, but dang it, if I didn’t miss that little rat dog being around. I don’t know if it’s the actual Cookie that I miss, or just because in my brain, she’s my tiny friend that listens to me when I walk around the house, but now she’s back, and this morning, she helped me get ready for work. And by get ready, I mean, scratched my leg a lot while I tried to put on my makeup. What a dumb dog she is.

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