Saturday, November 30, 2013

A Baptism

Today my niece and nephew were baptized, and they live in St George, so we made the trip down to see them. I left after work yesterday, and got there at about 10:00. After checking into the hotel, I was getting ready for bed, and was in the middle of washing my face, and I realized, I didn’t pack any underpants. None. So I put on my clothes (since I was already in my pajamas) and went to find a Walmart at 11:30 at night. Luckily, we found one, and I got what I needed. Then, when I was getting dressed the next morning, I realized I also forgot a slip. Sheesh, I’m surprised I had anything, with how many things were going wrong! Luckily, my skirt had a built-in slip, so it wasn’t too bad, but all day I felt weird without it.

Finally, it was time for the baptism, and after going and sitting down, I was handed a program. I scanned it to see when I would be giving the talk, and:


They spelled my name wrong! Dang it! I pointed this out to my parents, and we had a good chuckle, and I wondered out loud if, because my name was spelled wrong, I didn’t have to get up and talk. It was my turn to get up and talk, I was giving a talk on the Holy Ghost. Luckily, Chelle had really hooked me up with both an awesome talk, and a great object lesson. I gave the talk, and was SO NERVOUS during it, I was so glad when it was over.

The day was pretty awesome, and I’m really glad I got to be a part of it. Hopefully the nephew and niece had a day that they’ll never forget!

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