Friday, November 15, 2013

Foto Friday

For the most part, my cold isn’t really awful anymore, it’s just a nuisance. I don’t feel sick, really, I just have this stupid cough that won’t go away. And I feel really bad for my co-workers, because if it bugs me this much, it must be bugging them like, 50 times more, and I apologize to them for it. I do apologize at work, too, because I hate myself a little bit more every time I cough. But I have been popping cough drops like crazy, and trying to stop it, and trying to end it. Every time I open a drop, I read the pep-talks they’re trying to give you on here, and it makes me angry. They’re not even helpful! They’re just dumb! Here’s one I snapped yesterday:


And it just makes me mad. Pick better sayings, Halls. Pep me up for reals.

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