Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Shave and a Haircut

It was time again for Cookie to have a haircut, because she was looking super scraggly. And this morning, before work, she got into the garbage and got chocolate all over her face, so she definitely needed the washing. I decided this time to not get the all-over shave; because of how ridiculous she looked, so she got the Yorkie haircut again. Behold:


She was really jazzed when I went to pick her up, I swear, dogs think that once you leave them, you’re never going to return. She spent most of the drive home looking out the window:

And now she’s clean and looks really snazzy. Of course, that’ll last for about a month, and then she’ll look like a homeless mongrel again.

1 comment:

Maleen said...

That is so interesting to me, because my dog looks the same all the time. Granted, she sheds and that is lame, but I like that we don't have to groom her.