Thursday, June 6, 2013

Nails are the Worst

Today, at work, Chelle and I were walking down to the break room for a small break and some refreshment. As we were chatting and walking through a door, some random thing on the door happened to catch my nail and it ripped it.Also as soon as it happened, a little pool of blood started to collect under the nail too.


You can’t really see it that well, but there’s a rip in the nail right above the pink part of the nail. Also, don’t make fun of my nails, when I had fake nails a hundred years ago, it ruined the crap out of my nails.

So now I’m just waiting for the nail to be ripped off, the crack will lead to a rip and I am almost crying in anticipation. As soon as I can man up, I think I’ll get some clippers and try to cut it off myself. Wish me luck, friends. Maybe I’ll post a pic on here when it happens.

1 comment:

Chelle! said...

OUCH!!! I can't figure out what you caught your nail on. That is so strange.