Monday, June 10, 2013

Miscellaneous Monday

Today, I went shopping with my youngest sister-in-law, Bonanza. She has recently joined the cross country team, and she needed some compression shorts. We went to Sports Authority, and she tried on a few shorts. As she’s trying them on, she’s trying on the smalls or extra smalls, and she’s like, shoot, is there anything smaller than this? I’m thinking ‘anything smaller than an extra small? No, that’s as small as you can get.” We finally did find her a couple of pairs of shorts, and off we went. Her goal is to run 1-2 miles by the middle of the summer, and I wish her luck with it. I’ve told her that once she can run three, we’ll do a race together.

This past Saturday, I accidentally ran for 7 miles, and walked for 3, finishing with a grand total of 10. Let me explain. That morning, I did not feel very well, but I went anyway. When we got to our place of running, we started walking, just because that’s a good way for me to get motivated usually. After we’d walked a mile, we realized we should probably get going. We ran three miles up the trail, and when we got up there, we were like, oh I totally bet we could keep going. So, we ran another mile, for a grand total of 4 up there. As soon as we turned around, my body was like, oh I’m done. My legs were tired, my stomach wasn’t doing well, and my brain had decided to give up as well. So I struggled through running another 3 miles, making it to 7, before I just had to stop. So we ended up walking the last 2 miles. At least I ran most of it!

I was rehired into the world of visiting teaching lately. My RS pres caught me one day in church, right before it started, and asked if I wanted to start up again. I said, sure, whatever, and she partnered me up with a new friend I’ve met in the ward. Now she sets up the meetings, and I just show up and smile and thrown in my two cents once in a while, and things are all well and good. I’ve gone teaching twice now! I’m proud of my “growth” and maybe I can get better at it. Maybe one day I can even plan the lesson! Don’t hold your breath though.

1 comment:

Chelle! said...

You are a great sister to Bonanza!! I can't believe that you ran that far without knowing it. You are an inspiration!!