Saturday, June 22, 2013

Fourth of July Tutus

Independence day is coming up, guys. I can’t believe it’s already almost July, but there it is. With this holiday comes one of my favorite races, the Freedom 10K that Provo City puts on. We like to dress up in red, white, and blue every year, and like to make it a little more fun with every race that comes. This year, we wanted to kick it up a notch, and make an awesome tutu. There was of course a pin on Pinterest that let us know how to do it, and after buying the tulle, I sat down to make it.

First, I measured the elastic, and figured out how big I needed that. PJ helped me sew that up, because I can’t sew. Then, I put the elastic on a chair, and started to loop the tulle around the elastic.


After using 60 pieces of foot-long pieces of tulle, the tutu was complete. I tried it on to make sure it worked, and it did!


It did! I am proud of it, and I can’t wait to run the race in it! In case you wanted to see it not on me, I am happy to oblige.


Ta-daaa! Now I wish I had more excuses to wear tutus, because I want to make more! I’ll keep an eye out for any situation in which I can possibly wear one.

1 comment:

Chelle! said...

Aw...I love the TU TU!!! So cute! I want to run a 10k so I can make one of these.