Monday, July 1, 2013

Miscellaneous Monday

Yesterday, I skipped my regular church, and went to my parents’ ward. They were both speaking in their ward, and did fabulous jobs, of course. My mom brought her German Book of Mormon, instead of an English one, so at some point, when she started reading from it, and I couldn’t understand her I was like, am I the only one who can’t get this? But then we learned why. Whenever my dad speaks, I give him 3 sentences that I want to work into his speech. This time, I gave him “honor the allegiance”, “like a fox in a henhouse” and “burdened with a glorious purpose”. Every time he said one, I giggled like crazy, which I know isn’t very churchlike, but you gotta lighten the mood somehow.

The other day, my scouts finished their Athlete badge, which required us all to be outside for the (VERY HOT) evening. They did pull ups, pushups, sit ups, had a foot race, a bike race, and a vertical jump. After one boy did 2 pull ups, his nose started to gush blood, and by the end of the activity, they were all soaking with sweat, and exhausted. On one hand I felt bad for making them do it in the heat, and on the other, I was glad that we at least got to be outside. So many of the scout badges are indoor boring activities, and this was a good one to get us all outdoors and moving around, even though it was a million degrees.

I don’t know if everyone else’s oven mitts get like this, but all throughout my life, my oven mitts always start out so clean, but then after a little, while they start to look gross. Like this:

These are what my mitts looked like, and finally I was like, ok, I need to get new ones. So I went to the store, perused all the options, and bought…the exact same ones, just in a different color. I’m such a rebel! But I’m excited to use new ones that won’t be gross and make me hate them a little. Until these new ones get to be like that…shoot.

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