Thursday, March 13, 2008

Yeah, I'm sick. Sick of you telling me I'm sick, what up?

I never get sick. I don't know if I'm bragging there, just stating fact. I never take sick days, and that makes me sad. I think it'd be really fun to stay home, and do whatev, and I always want to do this, but I'm never sick enough to. Today, I had the opportunity to take a sick day. And by opportunity, I mean I could barely stand up, let alone function, so I pretty much had to do it. This morning, I felt a little sick, but I was like, psh, I can make it through the day, we'll be fine. So I get to work, and about ten minutes after being there, I took a turn for the worse. Needless to say, but by 8:30, I was done. Dad had to take me home, I couldn't even drive myself, and we almost took me to the hospital, but I'm very anit-hospitals, so I said we should wait a couple of hours, to see if anything would happen. When I got home, I immediately laid down and camped out, getting inside took a lot out of me. Taking my temperature, I had a negative fever, which is apparently something I inherited from Pops, and its like a real thing. Instead of our fevers raising, they lower when we're sick, how weird is that? But ha, I'm unique! I popped in some DVD's, and set out to watch them all. About mid-way through the second movie, I was bored and lonely. Its not that my movies were bad, they were favorites! (For the day, I had chosen Intolerable Cruelty, Invincible, and The Iron Giant, all so good) Its just...laying here all day talking to nobody (whilst in mucho pain) is not at all fun. And I wasn't falling asleep like I hoped I would. Every time I started to kinda drift off, I'd wake right back up. So by the end of the third movie, I was like, flip I need to get out of here. So I stood right up...and sat back down again, because it was a whole lot of pain. So to switch things up, I laid on the other end of the coach. Excitement!
I watched some more stuff, cleared out a bit of my TiVo, watched some Ellen and whatnot, and now I no longer have the desire to have any more sick days. As I'm laying here, writing this, I'm still in a bit of pain, which I'm hoping will be gone by tomorrow. PJ was right when she told me sick days were no fun, and I totally didn't believe her. I was like, no, its gonna be great, I'll hang out, and watching movies all day will be fun! No, no its not. So I will repent of my stupid ways, and never again will I want a sick day. Surely this won't go on for more than today (Oh boy, am I hoping) and I can get things back to normal with the working and running and whatnot. How naive I was, but no longer will be anymore!


Chelle! said...

Did you really think that SICK DAYS were great? You are one strange dude!!! I HATE SICK DAYS!!! Personally, I do not like being sick--you are definitely one strange person to want to experience a real sick day. TZ and I decided to declare that if anyone is even a tad bit sick--they are to stay home. We don't want anymore sickies at work!!! We do not want germs anymore!!!

PJ said...

I don't understand why you continue to doubt me. I mean, come on, when have I been wrong. Take like twelve Transfer Factor.

Fifteen days.

Maleen said...

People like sick days because many people take a day even when they AREN'T sick. For those of you who actually use the day for what it is designated, are naturally not going to have a good time. Ask Tyler, all of his sick days have been miserable (go figure).

Movie Gals said...

Getting sick is awful.