Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I love the TV show Unwrapped. I don’t know if any people out there besides me watch it, but I do, religiously. And then, I share my findings with other people, whether they want to know or not. For instance, did you know there’s a 15 pound pizza sold at a pizzeria in Colorado? And if you (and a friend) can finish it in an hour, you get that pizza for free! I don’t remember how I first got hooked into that show, probably through dad. I seem to remember him watching it. At first (before I’d really heard of it and only saw dad watching) I was only interested because the host of Unwrapped is none other than Mark Summers, our friendly host of such classics as Double Dare and Family Double Dare! You can’t tell me you didn’t love those shows as a kid. I wanted so badly to be on that show. I had even picked the sibling I’d take with me. Now, I’d better not say who that was, lest I start a fight. My answer has changed now, of course, I’d pick James. I’m pretty sure he’d win that for me. But this has nothing to do with the show, so I’ll move on.
I love all the stuff I get to learn about food here. Each day has a theme, and within that theme, each day there are 6 things you get to learn about. Last night’s theme, for instance, was country cooking, so we got to learn about restaurants that have country home cooking, and food that’s massed produced that is also as country cooking that city people are going to get. I don’t know that I have a favorite episode so far, although I have to say the one where we learned about giant foods was pretty cool. I don’t remember the exact dimensions of all the stuff, but there was a seven layer chocolate cake, a five layer (and like ten-pounder) Strawberry shortcake, and a thirty pound hamburger, courtesy of Fuddruckers. I can’t believe that people actually make these foods, much less that people eat them.
The bad part about watching this show is that inevitably, by the end of the show, I’m hungry, usually for something I saw on the show. Usually, I’m watching at 6:00 in the morning, so of course I’m hungry anyway, but usually one doesn’t crave fried chicken in the morning. But I do today. And since most of the stuff they feature is out of my state, I’m always thinking of ways I could get there. I’m like, well, I don’t think I’ll ever go to Montana, but I could swing by that state just to try that place out! And of course I know I’ll never get there, but oh man, would I love to. And there are so many things that I want to try, but they only sell in other states, and that makes me sad. But it seems silly to me to travel to another state, just to get some food. It has now become my dream to host this show. I don’t know when Mark Summers will be retiring, but when he does, I’d gladly fill his shoes.


PJ said...

Double Dare was the best show. I could totally dive into the pudding mess and find that flag!

Unwrapped is pretty good. I want some pizza. 18 days.

Maleen said...

I too am a die-hard fan of double dare. Now on a completely unrelated note. Let me know the best movie of Anne Boleyn to watch because I want to see one of them at least.
I don't really like King Henry VIII because if I were one of his wives, I would be very dead, or gone, due to my lack of male children.

julie said...

so much so little time, food show i will watch it. I say anne of of thousound days when i was in college, good movie and so in depth. you keep a wide variety of interests. you do get them girl.

Chelle! said...

Oh, I love this show!!! Isn't it just cool to watch. I only get to catch it when I am searching through channels--I need to find out what time it is on and record it! This would count as historical watching of the TV, wouldn't it?