Sunday, March 16, 2008

Running is like mouthwash; if you can feel the burn, it's working

I have needed new running shoes for a while. I know, you're supposed to replace them after every 400 miles or so, but lately, I have not found any shoes that have felt good for me. I got some new shoes a few months ago, but after using them a couple of times, my feet began to hate me. These ones had no arch supports, which I definitely need. So I went back to my old Nike's, and have been using those ever since.
This weekend, I decided to bite the bullet and find myself some, no matter what. I went to Runners Corner, knowing that surely they would find me some. I had never been there before, only having been told of the process they have to help you find some shoes. For those of you who don't know, I"ll summarize. When you get there, they have you put on a pair of running shoes and then watch you run, to see how you do it. They find you a few pairs of shoes, and you run in those, and then by a process of elimination, you find the shoes that fit you best, what you're looking for and they will help in however you run. They also give you a size and a half bigger than what you wear, but when I put those on, they were definitely too big for me, so I went only a size bigger. The guy was trying to argue with me to get the bigger size, but they felt weird when I ran, so I stood firm to my convictions. It took me about an hour or so to find the ones that I liked the most-but totally worth it. I was a little disappointed that the ones that felt best on me were pink, but at least they're like a neon/hot pink instead of like a girly pink-which would just be embarrassing! The ones I chose are Muzino's-the Wave Rider 11 model. Apparently these are good running shoes, so huzzah, my feet made a good choice.
Now that I have my running shoes, I'm definitely closer to being ready for the 5k's I'll be running soon. There's only a few weeks until they're here, so its time to buckle down. Not that I'm going to be winning these, I'm just trying to make sure I don't embarrass myself in the running.


PJ said...

I think the rule on the mouthwash is if it's burning, it's time to spit it out.

7 days / 12 days.

Chelle! said...

How do you handle a size and a half bigger? WOW! That just sounds to huge. Kind of like wearing clown shoes--so is it like wearing clown shoes?

I agree with PJ, why would you keep something burning in your mouth--just spit it out!

Maleen said...

Hot pink--yeah, that is WAY less embarrassing. JK. And I'm a little stumped about the size bigger too. Wouldn't you want something that fits? Or do you want your feet to slosh around in some big shoes?

Justin said...

Good Choice, I have a pair of Mizuno Wave Rider also. I quite like the service that Runners Corner provides. By getting your running shoes one size to big and the not lacing them tight the shoes allow the bones in your feet to be able to relax and expand.

julie said...

good job finding the right shoes, your feet love you.